LeagueSync.com (FreeGolfLeagueScoring.com)
Release Notes
LeagueSync - 2.06.02 - (Released 2013-04-22)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000291ScoringDefine limit for max handicap difference in match play per hole.
0000289ScoringMatch play low gross points for player and/or team.
0000281ScoringTeam Combined scoring is now available.
0000208LeagueChanged team point options to say 'team' instead of 'individual'.
0000179ScoringTrack # of holes won by an individual in match play. Reports coming later.
LeagueSync - 2.06.01 - (Released 2013-03-27)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000280PlayersChanged wording for Paid to League Fees Paid.
0000276SchedulesFixed a minor issue when adding a round and no previous round found.
0000275ScoringStableford scoring was rounding fractional points when it should not be rounding.
0000274PlayersPlayer stats graphs not showing sometimes with IE browsers. Updated graphics library to fix the problem.
0000272ReportsOption to limit the # of news items displayed for LeagueSync news.
0000271SchedulesSchedule next and prev buttons not working when next round is a non-scoring round.
0000269ScorecardsHandicap strokes not applied correctly when playing the same 9 holes twice.
0000267PlayersFixed an issue where team names were not showing on the player list.
0000266LeagueAdded option to select up to 4 divisions for scheduling.
0000253PlayersHandicap report now shows the date the handicaps are based on.
0000243GeneralPrint button was not working sometimes for IE 8 or later.
0000176Golf CoursesThe golf course selection list now show the city and state of the course.
LeagueSync - 2.06.00 - (Released 2012-11-02)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000204PlayersOption to show phone #s on the player list.
0000203PlayersOption to zero all paid amounts for players.
0000190NotificationsOption to change the return email address for update notices.
0000158NotificationsAllow managers to create custom email messages.
LeagueSync - 2.05.08 - (Released 2012-10-21)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000262GeneralThe two login boxes have been combine into on login box. This will help elimate confusion about how to login.
0000261UserA 2nd email for user activation can be sent if the link in the 1st has never been clicked.
0000260ReportsFixed an issues with averages for net and gross calculated wrong under special cases.
0000259PlayersHandicaps calculated wrong for players with gross scores under par and the option handicap zero or greater turned on.
0000256ReportsNews reports not showing the time ago correctly under special cases.
0000255PlayersFixed some pages that were not showing the N/A for handicaps when a handicap was not available.
0000240LeagueUpdated email formats to resolve some viewing problems.
0000212UserA message now appears to confirm the password change was accepted.
0000166UserThe user name can be modified after being created on the user settings page.
LeagueSync - 2.05.07 - (Released 2012-07-13)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000252PlayersNew feature added to edit multiple players at once.
0000249ReportsWhen using the league split option, a manager can now split a league based on team #s.
0000242ReportsNew reports that average instead of totals (Putts, Net, Gross, Points ...)
LeagueSync - 2.05.06 - (Released 2012-06-16)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000248ReportsThe Next Round report will now show the matches correctly for Knockdown rounds.
0000247SchedulesAuto Scorecard Assignment was not working correctly for leagues that use the split league between two links option.
0000246ScoringFixed an issue with scoring Individual matches when multiple matches per scorecard was used.
0000245ReportsTeam names was not showing on the individual stableford point total report.
0000244SchedulesFixed an issue editing scorecard assignments on the schedule page.
0000241ReportsCorrected an issue where point totals were wrong when summed across periods.
0000239ScoringFixed an issue with not being able to close a round if flight scoring was used and CARD was used on a scorecard.
0000191ScorecardsCan now print blank scorecards with the handicap and match strokes.
0000180ScorecardsAdded request to only show tees being used on the scorecards. Reduce the amount of information shown.
LeagueSync - 2.05.05 - (Released 2012-05-12)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000232PlayersChange a player status to ghost which will remove the player from skins, low gross, and low net reports.
0000231ScheduleFixed an issue where a round would not close if using Flight scoring
0000230ReportsLow net and gross have an option to find the lowest players over several rounds.
0000198GeneralAdd a print icon to several pages.
0000161StandingsCompleted the basic ringer report (show best score per hole).
LeagueSync - 2.05.04 - (Released 2012-05-03)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000225ScorecardsRemoved in-active players from list of players when entering scorecards.
0000224GeneralAdded warning message if using an old browser. Many manager functions do not support IE 7.0 or older.
0000221PrizesDistance for Closest to Pin is now an option.
0000214ScheduleImproved close button on Manager Tasks. Includes status and does not change page.
0000217LeagueFixed an issue in creating new golf leagues when the session timed out.
0000209PrizesThe # of putts and distance are now shown on the prize report.
0000207LeagueFixed the ability to edit flight scoring methods.
0000206LeagueFixed the issue where point values could not be set to zero.
0000174ScoringThe scoring method of Best Ball is available.
0000157ScorecardsThe total # of putts per player per round is available. There is a new report to show # of putts also.
LeagueSync - 2.05.03 - (Released 2012-04-10)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000202PlayersAdded a paid and amount values for players
0000200ScheduleFixed an issue with selecting the correct division for a scorecard.
0000175StandingsLeague managers can now have up to 4 standings/result pages.
LeagueSync - 2.05.02 - (Released 2012-04-05)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000192PlayersA Phone # field has been added to the player's detail page.
0000189ScheduleLeague managers can now break the league into different divisions (groups). With each division having a different course, front/back nine, or tee time.
0000178ScheduleAllow league managers to automatically or manually assign players to matches.
0000165ScheduleAllow the front nine and back nine played at the same time. Fixed with issue #0000192.
0000108ScheduleMake the setting for the # of teams more available when editing the schedule.
0000090ScheduleShow scheduled rounds and match details in a better format.
LeagueSync - 2.05.01 - (Released 2012-03-07)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000188LeagueAdded individual match play scoring with different who plays who formats.
0000187LeagueAllow more than one scoring method to be used at the same time.
0000182CourseFixed an issue where the course rating was wrong if the same nine holes played twice in the same round.
0000145ScoringDatabase layout changes to allow for more than one scoring method at a time.
0000115ScorecardsAdd a manual point system.
LeagueSync - 2.05.00 - (Released 2012-02-15)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000173StandingsSwitch the standings page and home page to a flexible layout reporting system.
0000172ScheduleCorrected an issue with adding rounds to the non-current season.
0000171ScorecardsThe player' tee is now shown on all scorecards.
0000163LeagueIncreased the limit on Stableford points to 50 per hole.
0000162StandingsLeague Stats page could not go view previous season.
0000155GeneralFixed a formatting issue with league news.
0000151SchedulesThe next round on the home page would show an invalid round if there was no next round.
0000147ScoringChange the database layout for point scoring to allow more options for different scoring methods.
0000142ScorecardsIncrease the speed of the auto completion for player names when enter a scorecard.
0000008LeagueAllow the league manager to assign to team names.
LeagueSync - 2.04.01 - (Released 2012-01-19)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000156GeneralCreated a manager flow task page. Shows all manager tasks and the order required.
0000153PlayersFixed an issue where players could not always be modified.
0000132ScoringAdd default values for Stableford scoring.
0000131SchedulesChange how rounds are added to the schedule.
0000083SchedulesWhen adding a round, all round types (normal, knockdown,...) are available to add.
0000053SchedulesFixed a formatting issue when the schedule is blank.
LeagueSync - 2.04.00 - (Released 2011-11-11)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000150GeneralChange the website from a fixed width to variable width format. A request to make the website look and work better on wide screen computers.
0000148ForumA website forum has been added to the website. League forums are still in the queue.
0000145GeneralCorrected an issue where the help dialog box was not showing.
0000120Golf CoursesIf a course rating is only 9 holes, then the 2nd link field is removed from the dialog box.
LeagueSync - 2.03.03 - (Released 2011-09-29)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000144SchedulesFixed an issue where matches were not shown correctly on a Knockdown week.
0000141PlayersAdd a report on the player's detail page that shows average, high and low per hole played.
0000140PlayersAdd a course handicap table on the player's detail page. Used for leagues using the course rating and slope correction.
0000080Golf CoursesAdd countries and option for yardage to be in meters.
LeagueSync - 2.03.02 - (Released 2011-08-22)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000138GeneralImproved top menu when not viewing a golf league
0000137StandingsAdd Leauge stats for eagles, birdies, and so on...
0000135Golf CoursesChange all Ajax Gets to Ajax Post.
LeagueSync - 2.03.01 - (Released 2011-07-26)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000134ScorecardsFixed an issue with the scorecards not aligning up when all four players did not play.
0000133LoginChange the websites cookie to be a session and http only cookie. This should resolve issues for people who could not accept the old cookie.
0000128PlayersOld scores can be removed when invalid.
0000116StandingsNew option for Stableford scoring. Allow the lowest rounds to be dropped from the score total. This allows for a player to miss a few weeks without penalty.
0000110Golf CoursesAdded warning message if the course rating is invalid.
0000006LoginAllow the option when loggin in that your login can be saved (Remember Me option).
LeagueSync - 2.03.00 - (Released 2011-07-14)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000129ScheduleFixed an issue when playing 18 holes and playing the same 9 holes side twice.
0000127NotificationsAdd the League name to the subject line of update emails.
0000122PlayersImprove the graph for previous rounds of golf. Each data series (net, gross,...) can be turned on or off.
0000121SchedulesWhen creating a full schedule, the 1st link to be played is now selectable.
0000106SchedulesShift all rounds out one week for rainouts. Feature added as part of the major schedule edit updates.
0000088SchedulesKnockdown week (or Position Night) has been finished and added as a round selection type.
LeagueSync - 2.02.00 - (Released 2011-05-13)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000117ScorecardCorrected an issue where a scorecard strokes per hole where not saving. Issue did not effect the handicaps or points. Only occurred when a player line was changed from Card to an actual player.
0000017LeagueAllow League Manager to send out email notifications to League members.
0000093ScorecardsClear flagged handicap rounds if handicap method is switched to manual.
0000105Golf CoursesUpdate course last modified date when modified.
0000109PrizesFor Low Putts Prize allow the number of putts to be displayed.
0000111SchedulesAllow the Stableford scoring system to use the team scheduler.
0000107SchedulesMinor tweak to text on Show Schedule page.
LeagueSync - 2.01.02 - (Released 2011-04-27)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000096SchedulesAdd better descriptions to the Set Current Round page.
0000098ScorecardsWarning message when adding a scorecard to the non-current round.
0000100GeneralVerify if cookies are enabled. If not a warning message is displayed
0000101ScorecardsFix issue where the handicap was calculated wrong when course slope correction is used and no previous rounds are available.
0000102Golf CoursesCorrect an issue where selecting the correct Course Rating did not work if tee type is set to all.
LeagueSync - 2.01.01 - (Released 2011-04-24)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000086ScorecardsA manager function to recalculate all scorecards in a round was added.
LeagueSync - 2.01.00 - (Released 2011-04-22)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000006LoginImproved automatic cookie login.
0000073PlayersAdded a sort feature to Players List page.
0000078StandingsAdded a warning message to the League Home page if round is not closed.
LeagueSync - 2.00.09 - (Released 2011-03-30)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000037ScorecardsAdded Saving message that is displayed after the Add/Update button is clicked.
0000071ScorecardsAdded team round schedule to bottom of add scorecard page.
0000081LoginCorrect an issue where the login did not work from an iPhone.
0000084GeneralCorrect an issue with edits not working correctly with Chrome, Safari, and some IE8.
0000087Golf CoursesAdded a name length check to verify Link names are not blank.
0000072LeagueRemove flight scoring point multiplier.
0000074Golf CoursesAllow website tech support to edit a course if locked.
0000077Golf CoursesChange the defaults for a 18 hole course rating. Now links 1 & 2 are not the same by default.
0000079Golf CoursesAllowed Course Link names to be modified.
LeagueSync - 2.00.08 - (Released 2011-03-18)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000063ScorecardsAdd Close Week function on Scorecards.
0000070ScorecardsFixed issue where points for most holes won did not work if points per hole is zero.
0000060StandingsAdded the Stableford Scoring System.
0000061ScorecardsAdded Team Points for Lowest Net for Match Play.
0000064LeagueUse Javascript to Print Email Addresses to hide emails from web crawlers.
LeagueSync - 2.00.07 - (Released 2011-01-31)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000016LoginUser activate page now shows a different page after activation.
0000055PlayersA player's Old Scores can now be deleted.
0000057SchedulesNext Round on Home Page was showing the wrong round when the 1st round was not played.
0000066ScorecardsIssue with Set Current Round not working on Scorecard Page has been corrected.
0000041Golf CoursesRemoved #hole and #rating from edit golf course page.
0000042Golf CoursesCorrected an issue when adding a course rating that uses 2 links.
0000049SchedulesThe schedule list was missing links name and # of holes.
LeagueSync - 2.00.06 - (Released 2011-01-12)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000013ScorecardsBack button on Scorecard was not working correctly.
0000030SchedulesCannot change a round's golf course on the edit schedule page.
0000031PlayersEdit Player page was not showing current Team #.
0000033PlayersAdded more help information to the Add Old Score button on the Player's detail page.
LeagueSync - 2.00.05 - (Released 2010-11-01)
Issue #CategoryDescription
0000021PlayersHandicap Report had additional information added.
0000024PlayersAdd player's Old Score was broken.
0000028SchedulesVerify all deleted schedule rounds are removed before creating a new full schedule.
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